Thanks, Girlie and Traveler, for you quick responses!! You've provided a lot of great information. I've just enabled my email options (thanks for letting me know how to do this, Girlie!) and emailed...
Hi everyone, Can anyone offer some suggestions for LLMDs located in Sacramento or the greater Bay Area? My sister has been having terrible symptoms of Bell's palsy, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog,...
Thanks so much, Dixonrh, that is very helpful information! I'm so glad to hear everything is working so well for you, and hope it continues to do so. NYNYBW, thanks for your response! While I would...
Thanks for your response, Dixonrh! That is an excellent suggestion; I've read about die off symptoms before and it sounds very plausible that this could be what I'm experiencing. I suppose it's one...
Hi there, I've been lurking on this site for a while now, but this is my first time posting- nice to meet you all! So my doctor prescribed Xifaxan 550mg 3X's/day for 14 days for SIBO (diagnosed...