Thank you both Traveler and sweetpeaisme! Yeah I'm really hoping it's negative, but I'm pretty sure it's not haha.. But then atleast I know about it, and will deal it :) I'm really excited for the...
Ah, well thank you for the comforting words atleast. Yeah I will give Cowdens a honest try for a few months. The only reason i chose it over Buhner was that it was pre-packaged and had a nice simple...
I tried CHIM-FLUOX-AVIVA for a month (a package) and the first few days i felt like something happened, I got a bit red on my skin and felt a bit hot. And this was probably due to a vitamin C flush...
Yeah the website is a mess haha, not friendy to the eyes :shocked:. And now I wish i didnt buy the CHIM FLOUX AVIVA, but I will have to give it an honest try. And no we don't seem to have hydrogen...
Thank you for your answers Girlie and Traveler! Yeah I don't know why I'm doubting the test results, guess I just didn't find them clear enough with some not being postive and some of the wording...
Hello everyone! This is my first post here, but I have been reading this forum for a while. And I would like to start off by saying that I am absolutely amazed by this community and the people here...