Thanks for the replies! I'm seeing an LLMD this Tuesday, will hopefully get some clarity....
Got my Western Blot back today (Lab Corp-not the best, I know) with the results indicating negative on everything except for a positive IgM 23ab. I've read that sometimes autoimmune can elevate Blot...
Ah, makes sense Iheartx! Question, where do you get the bees from? I'm totally game to try this as nothing else has seemed to work....
This BVT is quite fascinating. I've done some digging around and found a company in NZ that sells bee venom tablets. Just curious if anyone knows whether the bee venom tablets have the same...
I can't thank you all enough for your help. I felt confident that I had Lyme, and then felt so let down after my first round of doxy failed. At least now I have an explanation as to why it didn't...
I am looking for an good LLMD in the D.C. area. Thank you all for your compassion and support. I really appreciate it!...
Mister Mike and Lymie Girl thank you for the replies! Sometimes I feel like I'm losing it. The rheumatologist I went to seems to think it’s some autoimmune disorder despite all the negative test...
In June I attended Bonarroo (an outdoor music festival in Tennessee) with my sister. We camped out in a grassy field for four days. After I got back I noticed a ring shaped rash about the size of a...