Thanks traveler! I will check that out for Drs. How were you able to determine you weren't absorbing/ utilizing it well? Are you taking armour? My Lyme dr had prescribed that previously but then an...
Thanks, really appreciate your help and will let you know how I make out..I def feel I have significant thyroid problems for a long time so I hope I can convince them to start me on meds for this!...
thank you- yes, i have spoken to my my lyme dr about coinfections and he has rx other antibiotics during the course of treatment, including azithromycin and cipro in addition to mainly ceftin and...
Thanks so much for all the useful information! To be honest, I still don't feel great. I am much improved from where I was- basically not functioning.. Sleeping 12 or more hours a day and laying...
Hi- after searching for answers to what has been wrong with me for many years, I think I may have an official answer. I had been ( maybe mis) diagnosed with sarcoid in 2008 after feeling something...