Hello, Thanks a lot for your answer. I'm glad you are feeling better!!!!!!! I am curious, have you also been doing the lyme and babesia protocol at the same time? Buhner's ones, I mean. Also, I am...
Hello everyone, I suspect I have bartonella and am planning on trying some herbs on it. Have any of you tried Buhner's protocol for bartonella? If so, which herbs did you find more useful? I'm...
Hello! I just came across your post and decided to read it, I'm so glad you are getting better!!!!!!! It's always nice to read good things. About your post, it caught my eye that you said 'antibiotic...
Hello everyone, I wanted to ask....has anyone received a posotive IgM Borrelia test after starting treatment having received a negative one before starting it? That just happened to me, although the...
Thanks for all the information, I'll probably try charcoal this week. Also, have any of you tried apple cider vinegar?...
Hi everyone, I am thinking of starting oil of oregano as I have read good opinions about it. I would appreciate any feedback on it, as well as where to buy it from the UK without having to py taxes....
Thanks a lot for the information, I'm going to look into Buhner's protocols with more detail. Just a last question, did you do all of the three treatments at the same time or building up to each of...
PeteZa - I will try the garlic, thanks for the advice, I'll see how it goes, hope it works for me too! Cd3764 - So, you do both of the three protocols? And, can I ask, I'm trying to find out which co...
Hi everyone, I am currently detoxing by drinking lemon water, doing epsom salt baths and dry brushing (when I remember). I also intend on starting to take activated charcoal, any experiences with...
Hello, Thanks for your answers. I'm just hoping this is a herx and not something else (I get really paranoid), like an allergy. But it does seem like a herx, so I will keep detoxing without...
Hello everyone, Hope you are doing well or, at least, not too bad, like me. I was diagnosed a couple of months ago with Lyme disease. I know I'm positive for Borrelia and Erlichia, but have not been...