Bluelyme...My other symptoms include: Fatigue, nueropathy in legs and arms, joint pain, muscle pain, muscle spasms in neck/back, facial weakness on right side, brain fog, depression/anxiety, and...
sarahm620...From my Igenex test....The interpretation (titer): is 80 is Positive. I received a 41..which would be equivocal. When they did the western blot came back negative. Does that make a...
Thank you all for your suggestions!! It deff does make sense to detox while undergoing treatment! I will be talking with my doctor about which ways I can detox...As I want to make sure he knows...
Hey y'all! I'm absolutely new here, so please bare with me! I had a tick bite (with the rash) about 10yrs ago. I was treated with a 2 week course of Doxy by my GP at the time, given a blood test...
Hi all! I'm a newbie here, so i'm still getting used to the forum life! :) I got the entire test done (including the co-infections) and the cost was $500 for me. I didn't even try to submit it to my...