I got a reply and a suggestion of 3 tests. Borrelia Elispot CPDA CD3-/CD57+/CD56+/CD45+ Cells Hep & EDTA Tickplex Basic IgG/IgM antibodie The cost of the tests isn't worrying, the UK NHS ignoring the...
How long does it usually take for https://aonm.org/armin-labs/ to reply? I filled in their enquire firm a couple of days ago and heard nothing back yet. Thanks....
I'm actually having the procedure for other reasons. I'm currently going through diagnosis for possible MND. I had my EMG last week which detected fisctulations, but nothing else, in theory the...
In the UK what is the best was to test for lyme? Are there any private clinics which do more advance tests? I was bitten by a tic in 2015. Not knowing what it was I just crushed it. I got the rash...
Hi, I'm still going OK. If anyone remembers me from a few months back. Muscle twitches have died down a lot. But that has been replaced with shin bone pain which feels like my shin is about to snap...
My situation is that I strongly believe I have Lyme. All my problems, head aches, stomach issues, muscle twitches, joint pain al happened within months of a tick bite. I was referred to a neurologist...
Well I don't think I have much choice. I contacted my Neurologist to see if I can get an appointment, and was told he has signed me off....
Hi, I've had a change in symptoms, I'm starting to get more headaches and muscle/tendon pain, tooth ache, ear ache etc.. But who do I go to for these changes? Do I go to my doctor or contact my...
Do you think I should preempt paying for a better private Lyme test instead of waiting for the NHS one? Does anyone have experience seeing a private doctor via BUPA?...
I've sent you a email MarieLS, I've also set my email address to show. Can I really say, I'm very impressed with this community, how helpful and supportive you have been. I feel I'm gonna need advice...
Just an update. I went to my doctor who is sending me for a blood test for Lyme, but as we know the test given isn't that accurate. He said it's unlikely but not impossible. He asked when do I think...
Hi, Im suspecting I may have Lyme Disease due to on going symptoms and remembering a bit under my armpit about a few weeks before I started to get serious headaches. I was wondering if someone could...
Hi Girlie, I am from the UK. Could you send me a list of LLMD in the uk that would be treat....
Thank you for your quick, helpful and friendly replies. I shall make an appointment with my GP tomorrow (or try to) and discuss it with him....
Hi I'd like some advice on my symptoms and how and who to bring the up with. I've had health problems for 4-5 months now and been to the doctors several times but for different things. It was only...