Sorry for the delayed response ..... Had a family thing I had to take care of but yes Krimpet she tested me for other infections and she said they all came back neg. I did question the fact that the...
Wonder if anyone has had symptoms improve when thyroid issues addressed.... Does it improve the body's ability to fight infections?...
Sure.... My symptoms: A crawling sensation, pin prick sensations in hands and sometimes feet Skin extremely itchy Skin has mottled,wrinkled appearance Fatigue Lost 25 pounds in a couple of months...
Thanks for replies Doc is not going to treat me because according to her I don't have any symptoms that scream lyme. She also had a CD 57 panel done which was low at 40 .... Alittle confused because...
Hi Doc said results were negative Igm everything neg except 31 IND 41+ 83-93+ IgG everything neg except 31 IND 41++ 58+ Thanks...
Hi Rikky, I have only been a member of this forum for a short time but I feel I have to reply to your post since the symptoms your wife is experiencing are exactly the same ones I was experiencing...
First ....... Thanks for the replies I just had the Igenex test done a few weeks ago so waiting for that. Funny you asked that question magoo because my LLMD ordered a 24 hour urine to check for...
Hey everyone, Was just diagnosed with lichen planus.... Derm said it is an autoimmune disease..... Anyone else dealing with this?...
Thanks for all the input! Ugh.... No easy answer for me .... I don't have any symptoms that scream Lyme.... I know I have a problem with my thyroid and some other symptoms that could be Lyme related....
She said some of my symptoms were vague and hopefully the test will help. I was ready for the Igenex but I guess I thought the test would just be a lyme panel. She is doing another set of labs .......
I have a quick question about labs..... LLMD wants to do an initial lyme panel thru Igenex ..... That's fine but is it also common practice to check for Babs and Bart..... Wasn't ready for the cost...
Hi Feeling alittle anxious about my first appt. with the LLMD tomorrow because at the moment I'm feeling pretty good which makes me ask the question .... Can you have Lyme disease and not feel sick...
Thanks for your suggestions cd.....will definately try lying on my left side. Have started detox......lemon water,herbal teas and dry skin brushing. I just need to be consistent!...
Thanks Girlie Pulse does not change .... It is more like a spinning sensation and now seems to happen when I lie down ... Could be vertigo. Will try to get in to family doc since my appt. with LLMD...
Hi Up to now my symptoms have been mostly skin related and arthritic type pain that seems to migrate but a new symptom has popped up that has me alittle worried ..... When I lay down and try to get...
Thanks Girlie...contacted them yesterday and waiting to hear from them. Hi k07.... Traveler was nice enough to send me some names but will take any you have since I don't know who is taking patients...
I am looking for a LLMD in NC. I been having many symptoms for the past year that I feel could be lyme but need to be tested. My family doctor has not been very helpful! Any names of LLMD would be...
Thank you for the warm welcome silly sheep! So thankful I found this forum! Thanks for the tip Girlie.... I will start a new thread....
Thanks for all of your input. Unfortunately my family doc hasn't been very helpful so I think my best bet is to try and find a LLMD! So if anyone knows of a good LLMD in NC send the name my way!...
I am new to the forum and writing this in hopes of getting some advice on whether I should be tested for Lyme. I have had these symptoms for about a year some are constant and some come and go....