Integrative LLMD who combines antibiotics and herbs for Lyme and who uses Shoemaker protocol for mold would be preferable, please...
I am looking for recommendations for LLMD's who also treat Mold illness/CIRS in California, Colorado, Arizona / West Coast....
Anyone know any good Lyme doctors in Utah area?...
For ongoing eye pain, eye pressure, nasal pressure, fatigue, sore throat, etc. associated with sinusitis--has anyone used probiotics sprayed into sinuses, and has this method provided any relief?...
I have read many posts suggesting not to pulse rifampin for Bartonella due to some speculation about resistance. Many of these posts are from some time ago. I'm wondering if anyone has pulsed...
Has anyone used pulsed antibiotics for either Bartonella or Babesia (ie. 3 weeks on, 1 week off)? Is this more effective than continuous antibiotic therapy for either of these two?...
cd3764: That makes sense! I am in the middle of treatment. Thanks for your help....
For anyone that's experienced these symptoms, I am wondering which infection you've found these symptoms are attributed to? Also, what does a sudden increase in those two symptoms indicate, herx or...
What are the most effective liver support supplements you've found in lowering AST/ALT levels? I have found Milk Thistle (500mg taken 2x/day) to be effective.. any others?...
Contrary to popular myth, it seems Milk Thistle may increase antibiotic absorption, rather than decreasing it. This is in one of two possible ways: by decreasing the activity of the liver enzyme...
While on antibiotics, I am finding one day my symptoms are increased throughout the day and I feel as if the antibiotics are not working, the next day the symptoms are a lot less throughout the day....
The antibiotic Clarithromycin has a half-life of 5-7 hours for 500mg twice daily. I have heard that bacteria begin to develop antibiotic resistance when the serum level decreases in the body....
I vomited both my Clarithromycin and Minocycline antibiotic within 5-15 minutes of taking them yesterday. I am wondering if this will cause bacteria to become resistant? According to this post,...
There is a great LLMD in NY (Dr. R H) with a great book (Why Can't I Get better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease)...
Thanks for the meaningful reply. How much did your eye pressure improve after taking minocycline? Have you heard of this eye pressure symptom caused by Bartonella?...
I am now having the following symptoms: pressure/pain behind eyes happening anytime (but also flares up from chemical sensitivities and after eating even non-allergic foods), air hunger, dark circles...
I have neurological symptoms and fatigue, so it could be either....
Has anyone been cured by Dr. J/LymeMD in Rockville, MD?...
In general, of the following two treatment options for Lyme (plus Bartonella and Babesia), which have you found (or think) is more effective? Combination Mepron, Rifampin, and Doxycyline to start? or...
I went to a LLMD who is prescribing aggressive antibiotic therapy (3-4 antibiotics at a time for 3-6 months) for Lyme and co-infections. However, I am wondering about the risks to the body such as...
gfields: Mepron is a first-line antibiotic therapy for Babesia infection. In answer to your question about why it would be necessary to enhance Mepron absorption, here is an excerpt from an article...
cd3764: Thanks for the welcome. In case anyone is interested, here are a couple product options with high fat content minus the higher Vitamin E and COQ10 found in nut butters: Duck Fat (13g...
Thanks for the suggestion. But afaik, COQ10, Vitamin E, and ALA also limit mepron absorption and peanuts/peanut butter appear to be rich in COQ10 and Vitamin E. Not sure how supplemental forms vs....
The following study indicates that Mepron absorbed with Fractionated Coconut Oil is inferior to Mepron absorbed with butter. Standard Coconut Oil and Fractionated Coconut Oil share primarily the same...