I was only pointing out some information that you didn't see/understand ...that she had indeed healed the first time...but was reinfected. No argument.[/quote] I really didn't see, but i am able to...
I did not mean to step on anyone's toes. We can sit here and argue semantics, but that will be fruitless in the end, we all have Lyme, and we all have our own treatment and dilemmas. I wish you all...
Traveler did heal from her childhood infection(s) - but was bitten again...and is now working on healing from that more recent tick-bite. (You can see in her signature line)[/quote] Thanks. I did...
Thank you, Girlie, I agree. Traveler, with all due respect, the issue with varying strains of Borreliosis and genetic differences to infection are extremely common with many treatable illnesses, yet...
Psilociraptor, there are MANY peer reviewed studies on Lyme Disease with data. There is also a stark difference in regards to the different types of evidence supporting different Lyme treatments....
Ha! I just looked into it and that is funny. Maybe he "switched sides", although I doubt it. Feng and Auweater are both from Johns Hopkins, maybe they decided to team-up for some objective research....
Thank you for you kind words of encouragement, everyone. I see where Logmoss is coming from regarding speculation. There are too many treatments and regimens that, quite frankly, have no scientific...
Thank you Mustard Seed.. I agree, the Art could be a bit higher. I plan to eventually increase my dose to the maximum 1000 mg daily. Maybe even higher in the future, but I want to check my kidney and...
Girlie, Thank you, that means a lot. Also, not to argue semantics, but when I stated "high bactericidal dose", "high" was relative to previous ILADS guidelines, that stated a higher dose is often...
Girlie, Yes, I have read, on various forums, of similar treatments, however, none have been exactly the same combination, at the same high bactericidal dose, or the three drug combo was only...
Hi all, The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any...
Girlie, thank you very much for your reply. I will certainly keep an eye on my symptoms. Upon research, the most frustrating part lyme is how evasive it can be to testing. I look for black and white...
Note: Due to financial constraints and the insignificance of my symptoms and test results, I will not be visiting a LLMD....
My results for Lyme test through Igenex are as follows: IFA for BB is 40= equivocal score IGM band 31= ind IGM band 41= ind IGG band 41= ind Do you think I have lyme? So far I have only a slight...