plus, with initial bulls eye, he had a fever with migraine and body aches which is why dr treated for 4 weeks. initially was only going to do 2 but i requested longer....
The bulls eye rash cleared up with antibiotics and the symptoms subsided. He has had many migraines but also wears glasses so we have been back and forth to eye dr changing his perscription in his...
Thank you so much Huddie! I appreciate all your kind words:) I will be looking into the dr you recommended!...
I had test done at Lab corp...
i@ K07, Yes, it says Lyme Igm Wb interp is positive. Two ID drs said negative and pediatrician said negative as well. The only one concerned was orthopedic who said she was not up to date with lyme...
Good afternoon, I am trying to located a LLMD in my area that deals with pediatric patients. I live in Sewell, New Jersey. My 9 yr old son recently tested positive in Igm 41 and Igm 23. Also Igg 41...