Has anyone been to sanoviv for treatment or diagnosis?...
Lots of strange stuff Started with pericarditis and red bumps all over my legs in April 2016. Was told by doctors that I had a virus and I should be fine in a month. Since then I have been belching...
Hi RunnerGirl, I know this post was from a long time ago, but I really hope you see this. I have exactly the same symptoms as you described in your other post and also feel like I am the only one...
It seems like everytime I try to detox I get very painful tingles all over, sort of like prickling sensation. I had it extremely bad after trying chelation and I still get it now every time I even...
I had a doctor suggest taking Doxy and tindimax. Any thoughts on those?...
I have sought out an LLMD and even he said he isn't sure its lyme because I have almost no typical lyme symptoms. I honestly feel completely healthy. I have energy, no joint pain, sleep perfectly, no...
I haven't even started treating because I have come back negative on all of my blood results for lyme and confections even with igenex so I have been running to different doctors for the past 4...
I have trouble walking for the past 4 months because I feel like the floor is moving under me, I get a pushing sensation in my head, and sometimes I in my head I feel a sensation like I just dropped...
Sorry about that! Hope its ok now...
Hey guys I decided to start a blog to share my story and experience with lyme as well as give others the opportunity to share their stories. This is especially geared towards young adults around...
Have you been treating with antibiotics/ are you treating for confections?...
has anyone else been diagnosed with lyme WITHOUT having any joint pain/ loss of energy/ or memory problems? My igm results came back negative and igg results came back indefinite, which makes sense...
Thank you everyone for your responses! It really makes me feel like I actually am on the right track and do have the right diagnosis I just have to find a better treatment. @Traveler: My test results...
I have been experiencing very strange symptoms over the past couple of months and my parents believe that these symptoms are due to chronic lyme because I tested positive with Igenex three years ago....