Ok I'm in! As far as the LDI I'm scared to take it again after 22x didn't change my reaction. I didn't have what he said would be a 6 week bad reaction , it still sucks after taking the initial dose....
Hi thanks for the welcome ... To answer the LDI question i started at 10x got whacked, then went to 22x still felt like crap after no improvement . But I agree with you something in his LDI mix hit...
Ok thanks true I didn't think about replensnishing. But just to pull me further if possible towards a Lyme protocol I wanted to add two things and get your opinion. 1. I had a high trypastase lab so...
You a guys are awesome, so I did get this test done at a LLMD and he gave me antibiotics I just never took them because in the "cfs world" we are told not to hurt the gut, by taking the antibiotics I...
Thank you so much Girlie. What about the NK cell and HHV6 titers is there any significance to that?...
Hi I have been a "cfs" patient with low NK cells and high HHV6 titers for the past 8 years. took igenex last year, and after getting results I ended up "deciding" not to go down the lyme route and...