Hi Girlie, I haven't been to a lyme literate doctor. IGenex test was negative twice but I'm not convinced that I don't have lyme but I definitely have a spinal fluid leak. Two blood patches confirmed...
Mustard Seed, I can't figure out how to reply to your post from almost two years ago. Hopefully you get this message and I'm not breaking any rules. You saved my life! I had/have a CSF Leak. I had...
Does anyone have a Fibromyalgia doctor in Iowa that they would recommend? I was diagnosed with FM in 2013. I had a spinal fluid leak that I finally got help with this past July. I had an Igenex test...
Thank you! Sure enough. Negative. Now I'm trying to find a doctor that will support my request for a blood draw to send to iGeneX. I have the kit. Why does this have to be so difficult?! And why...
This probably sounds silly but here it goes... I asked my doctor to sign for IGeneX testing. She was not happy. I'm the third person in a week...blah, blah, blah. Eventually she offered to request...
Does anyone have Musical Hallucinations and/or Tinnitus? If so do you recall what was going on during that same time period? Were you well into the Lyme crisis?...
Mustard Seed, Thank you! That video was very helpful! Traveler, Thank you for the resources! Health is SO complicated. :cry:...
Thank you for the information. I have pressure behind my eyes too. They are two different types of pain for me. :/...
Anyone else suffer from intracranial pressure? I've been telling my medical professionals for over a year that this was happening but it was always ignored. In March it became severe every time I sat...
Sending positive thoughts your way! Hang in there! Hopefully there will be better news tomorrow!...
Thank you all so much! I ordered my kit from IGeneX today. Now the waiting begins. Jeff....thanks for the Columbia, MO reference. He popped up in an email from someone else too. I think so far that...
Thank you SO much! This is very helpful! My memory and concentration issues cause me a lot of extra work. I thought I needed the LLMD just to request the test from Igenix. (Luckily I have a very...
I've been sick for four years. Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, chronic migraines, chronic daily headaches, tinnitus, musical hallucinations, several spine issues. My muscles keep getting tighter. The...