Does lol...
I know a good one in meshoppen PA. Mcspike what is the master hormone you speak of?...
The Denton one is very good...
What insurance do you have chick? And pirouette? Thx guys!...
10lymeb where do you order your cbd oil from? Do you guys know why killing bartonrlla causes green poo and worse tummy and psych symptoms specifically? Thanks everyone gonna apply all of this stuff!...
I am CONFIDENT YOU WILL REACH zero symptoms! Like if I could I would squeeze you right now yeeeey...
Thanks girlie! Yeah I'm also wondering if it's maybe candida apparently I have a really bad candida infection. I was just wondering on what anyone's insights or treatment ideas were. I don't see my...
Anytime I cheat on my diet or kill bartonella I get the following symptoms: -panic attacks -horrific nausea and indigestion and vomiting -constant pooping, green poo -depressed, suicidal thoughts...
Great progress girlie so happy for you!...
Those of you who see the llmd in Denton what supplements didn't he give you?...
Bartonella and babesia both do this. Are you taking abx for your lesions?...
A few of my friends saw Dr j and now his NP's are giving every patient the same abx protocol which I think is weird...
Well my friend says this llmd is amazing but aggressive is that ok traci? Aggressive in killing the bugs I mean...
My friend sees a good one in PA I can tell remember the city though...
Which llmd is your daughter seeing in Wisconsin?...
You need to see a llmd with experience with ALS or Ms like lyme. You can recover from this though...
I'm so sorry yes then no benzos! It helps me the activated charcoal just as much...
Yay my friend saw him for the first time two weeks ago but she says her first appt was amazing...
TExtemale my friend who sees him too wants to know how has your improvement been so far...
How did you do that 1000dajsies?...
Thanks everyone! What's considered a high binder dose? I'm taking 500mg of activated charcoal...
Detox more! Yes the third week of rifampin my herx also went insane!!!...
Chrisespo yes these psych symptoms should alleviate with treatment. My suggestion is maybe doing buhner cause you can go up one drop at a time if abx are too strong for you...
Patty a lot of people get bad psych herxes on a Bart. Have you considered buhner? Activated charcoal and Ativan have been lifesavers for my anxiety...
Hi friend there is a VERY good llmd in denton Texas. Like as good as a famous llmd. Email me for his name ❤...
Thanks girlie! Is it ok to take charcoal and clay every day though?...
I have chlorella, charcoal, bentonite clay, and burbur. How should I spread them out so I dont dry out my stomach? I also do foot baths every day and am getting a sauna soon....
Yes we follow each other on Instagram 😞 Another person I know who went is still sick. I think ive heard better things about hansa....
SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeeee...
Robby told me recently he hasn't made any improvements at all from going 😞...
It's in August I think?...
Bluelyme I got lyme my friend I'm willing to try anything :p ok go with do I kill those bugs in that order? And how do I rotate the binders?...
Thank you traveler you're amazing I miss you lol. I know I think I know going to be stuck taking binders and detox stuff every two hours now! I'm homogyous mthfr so my body sucks at it...
I know two lymies who got infected in austin...
Yes she's the first person to figure out my tummy is causing my anxiety issues after SIX YEARS of tummy issues 😡...
No bluelyme I havent should I do that first instead of attacking bartonella and babesia? Pirouette wow thanks so much! Yes binders is the only thing that has stopped my panic attacks. 😭 Activated...
There's a cheap Clinic in Poland too plus Germany...
I'm so happy for you bluelyme squeee!!!! Thank you for staying around Jinna ❤💋...
Buhner herbalists treat by phone or skype :) his partner does too...
Bluelyme so happy to hear you're doing much better! I remember when you were struggling SO HAPPY FOR YOU...
Gabapentin brought my twin relief within a week! We legit brought her to the ER screaming her pain was so bad...
Anyone know what can cause extreme nause, constant hunger, loss of appetite, and green stool? Ever since this alchornea herx all of this has come in like crazy! And it's weird the worse my stomach...
lol blue lyme 😂 Do you think there's a way to kill Bart without my stomach going crazy like this? Maybe just take it slower you think?...
Thank you so much!!! Well we tried getting off of it but I went really suicidal and panicky 😭. I know we are trying to get off of it again in the future though! Yes I didn't know my stomach could...
Give it about four to six months. And I have had herxes last weeks lol...
Also that's how my lyme started my poi turned green (sorry if tmi) when was 17 and I had to use the bathroom five times a day and was super naseous and that's when my panic attacks started!...
So me and my herbalist Julie McIntyre figured out a HUGE piece of the puzzle. So we noticed that the only thing that stopped my panic attacks are eating, pooping (lol sorry), and GI activated...
Ah thanks pirouette!!! This makes me feel lots better!!! I've been detoxing every three hours now and so far no more panic attacks. 👀 Very weird. Do you think I should be patient with my herbs and...
Lol girlie!!! To me you've always seemed wonderful ❤...
Yes I usually take it a few hours after waking up. I guess I'm just a really bad herxer. I don't know why why i get so crazy whenever I kill Bart my brain gets lit on fire 😭...