I would lose my mind if my boobs grew anymore. I start rifampin next week. I’m a DDD cup... :shocked:...
Is banderol also cats claw? And I suppose I could just switch. I know Samento is TOA and some folk swear by that, but Buhner is all about the whole cats claw herb, so I thought maybe if I alternate I...
Hey there. I've been doing Samento for a few months every other day, and am up to the full dose. Rather than do it every day, I was thinking of doing regular ole Cats Claw (Just ordered Green Dragon...
Thank you Girlie. I've calmed down a bit. haha. I was freaking out for a second. I have activated charcoal and alka selzter gold for binders. I also have been doing dry skin brushing w/ hot/cold...
Hey everyone. I am forever reading on this site even though I don't post very much, and it's always super helpful. I actually inadvertently realized by reading a post that I've been taking WAAAY too...
Thanks everyone! Still reading a lot and looking forward to starting. PeteZa, interesting to hear you didn't herx! How long did you have lyme before you started treating? And I will keep the...
Hey everyone. I've been reading all of your posts for about a month and it has REALLY helped me wrap my head around this very complicated, very taxing disease. Just some background on me - I'm from...