Bluelyme, I'm looking into that herbal protocol. Have you done it? I guess I'm hesitant jumping headfirst into parasite cleansing with pharmaceuticals. The chance for herxing scares me a bit. I've...
Which parasite protocol(s) have you found to be the most successful? What sort of side effects did you encounter? My doctor has prescribed a modified Klinghardt protocol (praziquantel, Ivermectin,...
My doctor also had me start liposomal glutathione a week before taking the mycotoxins urine test. She warned me that it could cause a herx as the body starts to detox those mycotoxins....
The capsules made me herx badly for the first 4 days. I was stuck on the couch and could barely move. It's advised to slowly work up to the desired dose. You may have to open up the capsules into...
Does the numbness happen at certain times or situations?...
I recently started seeing Dr. KE in Raleigh. I like her so far and she seems very knowledgeable....
WV Mike, I'm glad they are working for you!!...
I discovered, after a bit more sesrching, that mine is called subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT). Here is a comparative study between LDA and SCIT. I do not know how to make the hyperlink....
I'm unsure. The part I'm also questioning is the addition of beta-glucuronidase....
Hi Girlie, thanks for that website clarifying the difference between the two types of allergy immunotherapy. LDA does look similar to LDI but has a much more minute dose than the allergy shots I'm...
Hi dcd2103, I'm not sure if LDA and these allergy shots are the same thing. I don't think it's considered low dose. Here is a site that has more information:...
Have any of you gotten allergy shots with Lyme or even prior to knowing you had Lyme? If so, what was your experience? I have been getting allergy shots for almost three years but given everything...
Great! Thank you both, BlueRidgeDave and ChristianwirhLyme! I am going to look into her. Does anyone have experience with either Dr. KE or Dr. JP in Raleigh? Both have been recommended by people in...
Thank you, Girlie! I will check her out!...
I am looking for a LLMD in Central or Eastern NC. I looked up the ones listed on the ILADS site but would like (both positive or negative) feedback from anyone who has had treatment in NC. I believe...
That makes sense. I have recently started the Cowden protocol as well and since then the amount of them has increased....
Thank you for your response, walkingbyfaith!...
I have red dots all over both of my upper thighs. A couple look like cherry angiomas but the rest appear to be almost like tiny red freckles. They have recently started appearing on my chest as well....