I took some time off treatment for various issues and just recently started again. Also it's been extremely damp and rainy and that always makes my symptoms way worse! I've had the swollen lips for...
Hi all: I have a bunch of rheumatologic symptoms--major swelling in my hands and feet, burning and very sensitive to the touch. Also swelling in the face, especially the lips. I've tried carcumin, a...
Hi everyone: I tested positive for Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia and Ehrlichia. About 8 months ago and before my diagnosis I experienced profound hearing loss in my left ear which has since gotten worse....
Thank you both for your comments! I'm sorry you both have been dealing with ear issues, but it is nice to know I'm not alone. And something else occurred to me--I have Bell's palsy on the left side...
Hi there: I had unexplained hearing loss in my left ear 6 months ago and then was recently diagnosed with Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella and Ehrilichiosis. The hearing stabilized, but never returned to...
Thanks everyone! This has been really helpful. For a minute there I thought I was going crazy and it was the result of something I was doing or not doing. No more traveling for me for awhile. Going...
Thank you!! I'll will search the forum for de-realization and see what else I can find. For detox, I'm doing the sitz baths with hydrogen peroxide nightly. I'm taking a variety of vitamins--B...
I just started Doxy (200mg/day) last week and have been having what can best be described as out of body episodes. My body goes numb, I become disoriented and confused and cannot speak. When these...
Thank you everyone for the amazing suggestions!! I've got my reparations ;). For the activated charcoal, what dosage worked for you? Thanks a million!! Keep me in your thoughts this week...
Good morning!!! Okay so after months and months of testing and opinions, I've finally settled upon a treatment plan. I begin my first round of Dox this week and I need detox suggestions!! Positive...
Hello everyone! So happy to be a part of this group and wanted to share my story in hopes of getting some helpful feedback. Twenty years ago I experienced complete hearing loss in my right ear....