Also wanted to say I started a alkalizing detoxing greens powder and that has helped allot also....
Hello has anyone else had histamine problems when starting to attack co infections? When I started to go after my EBstein Bare Virus. I got increased histamine reactions. I didn't know at the time I...
Thanks everyone for putting your input. My ND did my full blood work health analysis not for Lyme or co infections. she didn't see reason to test for Lyme based on symptoms, muscle testing, and I...
Hello I get tingling all through my face, lips, head, legs, arms, and feet. This tingling sensation makes me feel hypoglycemic. Like I need to eat constantly. But I eat and I feel the same. It's...
Yes! This happens to me when my body is overloaded with too much die off or toxins in my body. Happened to me when I took too much for a parasite cleanse and happened to me last week from too much...
I am taking magnesium oxide "Mag02" to help me during my detox. I'm taking only one pill and every now and then I get extreme energy again. Like once every other month. Last night had bad anxiety...
Also super weird thing happening today. Can't move around too much or stomache and heart race so I'm bed ridden at the moment :( thank the Lord my husband stayed home with me today. I really wanna...
Andy Yes I was on nexium but felt like it was making me have more stomache acid. Maybe I did not give it enough time so I stopped it. I will talk to my doc tomorrow about trying another ppi. Today...
Suejayuk. Thanks for replying I will def try taking liquid ant acids more instead of the Xanax. I stopped all gluten as of 2 days now. 3 days ago my stomache got so mad at that gluten soup. Thought I...
Hello I'm 31 female who has been suffering GERD for 4years. I have had these off and on pulpating feelings or spasms in my upperstomache in the middle below my ribs since July. After I had to take a...