I have one more week's supply with me. My llmd is eager to stop the doxy. what is herbal protocol to follow. I am wondering after the doxy is finished , I can go on herbal protocol. As Doxy gives me...
llmd thinks that fatigue might be because of taking 300 mg of doxy. Fatigue was there on and off initially but last whole week it was every day and this week is not looking good either. I am not sure...
Hi, I am on my last week of doxycycline (6th week) - 300 mg per day. Since past one week , I am having extreme fatigue. I am hoping once I stop taking doxy in couple of days, it will go away assuming...
Here are the pictures of my rashes , sorry they did not get uploaded in the correct time order. http://s1079.photobucket.com/user/Pragsaks/profile/ Does these look like Lyme ? Also i keep feeling...
@Traveler, yes i am taking pictures.Can i post them here ? I will send you doctor information. Also today i developed a new rash - this one is itchy , have a little bump and little tender too The...
Few more results came in . my llmd and other doctor thinks because rashes are still coming , i should go to a Dermatologist.And continue doxy for may be one or two more week. I still feel very tired...
So the new rashes are still appearing , less itchy and less bumpy but still appearing. Co infections test came negative and lyme ab value came .04 . My LLMD strongly thinks that I might not have lyme...
Yeah even i can see that these new rashes are exactly same as old lyme rashes. Who do you trust then ? Three weeks into and have seen three doctors already, went for three blood test. Not to mention...
So a new rash appeared again on the arm, red bumpy and itchy. Called llmd again today. He said my lyme was already under treatment , so if it continues to re appear then we would have to see...
So today i went to the doctor referred to my by ilads.org in new york state. He suggested that since I almost have no other symptoms other than rashes which look like lyme, I probably would be better...
Any pointers will be helpful. thanks...
So i went to the doctor today. He seemed knowledgeable , he had a lot of theoretical knowledge. He looked at my blood report ( which my primary said that was negative for lyme) and said acc to new...
you are right...Posted questions and information to find LLMD in my area in the mentioned websites. However when I posted the question here I didn't get any response :(. thanks...
Finally i am able to get one appointment for Infectious disease specialist for tomorrow in the afternoon. Meanwhile my dermatologist called me and asked to take amoxillin thrice a day for two more...
Gosh , tried taking infectious disease specialist doctor in near by area. Every doctor is booked for months and months :(...
i just enabled it. Now my email is shown as my profile name. Thanks...
Hi, I am infected with Lyme disease and i think that my dermatologist is not treating it well. Wondering if anyone can help me find a good Lyme Specialist in Greenwich, CT area. thanks...
Thanks for letting me know that its normal to have rashes to reappear again. I have filled the ILAD form.But it will take three days for them to come back. I live in greenwich , ct area. Will you be...
Hi, Two weeks back i started getting rashes in my arms and my arm got painful . Doctor saw it and detected it Lyme and prescribed Doxycycline 100 twice a day for three weeks and one ointment for...