from Europe. Anyone have any recent experience? or have an idea?...
because there is no awareness and treatment for lyme in my country; I decided to go to one of the hyperthermia clinics to get my symptoms under control and to make a greater improvement in my health...
I'm glad you're better now. unfortunately the link is not opening. Are you satisfied with infusio? how much of an improvement did you make/ was it permanent? I have a very weak body and weak immunity...
I'm also researching cynics for hyperthermia. I'm stuck between sanoviv and st george. I was a bit wary of being given IV antibiotics for 10 days at st george (only 2 times in sanoviv, during...
The symptoms you describe are very similar to mine. swelling/twisting of the toes and red sores on the foot. occurs and then re-forms. I am researching an inpatient clinic abroad as there is no llmd...
i have lyme and many coinfections, i need a doctor who is interested in how and in what order to use herbal protocols and antibiotics, but there is no llmd in my country; therefore, there is no...
thanks for your comment. As both a patient and a medical student, I know what thyroiditis is; Antibody-free Hashimoto is not a rare condition, a diagnosis of Hashimoto's was made by ultrasound....
Thanks for your return 1- The diagnosis of thyroiditis was made by ultrasound, antibodies were negative. 2- In the test I had done 1 year ago (in another laboratory), LTT borrelia was negative, I...
My symptoms that have been going on for 2 years (loss of weight(49kg-166cm), fatigue, back and neck pain, muscle pain, brain fog, difficulty remembering the names of objects recently, depression,...
Are you talking about this clinic ? Did you have accommodation, I'm planning to come from abroad. Hyperthermia + Did you take IV...
Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I too have had some symptoms since 2 years, finally diagnosed. my body and immune system are quite weak; Therefore, I am afraid of the side effects of...
Which clinic were you treated at? did it work, how are you now? I am currently looking at clinics such as st george, sanoviv, but I have concerns about hyperthermia and iv antibiotics, I am...