I know that people who have ‘mono’ (= Ebstein-Barr virus) develop a rash if put on Ampicillin (A Penicillin) even if they are not allergic to penicillin. So there is some peculiarity between E-B...
Looking for a LLMD in the Erie, Pa area. Any suggestions?...
I am not sure what a biological dds is but went to see dentist who ruled out tooth, gum and sinus problems...
Both tests (ElisaAndWestern blots) done by Lab Corps at 4 and 10 weeks from bite that produced the EM rash. Agree, heavy dose steroids were a bad choice early on and probably altered the natural...
Bitten by something R shoulder blade area on 6/24 -? Deer fly - began facial itching 7/2; Dr Rx’d steripred dosepack for 1 week; no help with itch. 3 weeks later a doctor friend noted a flat,...
Can facial itching without a rash be a presenting symptom of early LD?...