Does anyone else suffering from Lyme/Bartonella live in or near Miami, FL? I could really use in-person connection and support from one who understands....
Hi, I just posted a new topic "Afraid of Being Alone?" My issues have less to do with the logistics of cleaning, cooking, etc. (though those things are hard for the first time in my life) and more to...
Hi, I’m struggling hard and long with neurological Lyme. I would love to know if anyone is down in Miami, FL and interested in forming a support group........
Hi all, I’m struggling hard with a recent Lyme diagnosis. Psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety and significant cognitive impairment are the worst. My life has virtually stopped. (I am a...
Hi group, I am taking Minocycline and Rifampin... 10 days on former; about 4 on latter. Stomach is not having it. I took my morning dose but skipped tonight to give my stomach a break. Is this okay...
Thank you all, for these resources--none in Miami :(....
Hi all, I recently joined this forum and posted a diagnosis of Lyme/Bartonella. I'm still not accepting it as it doesn't feel totally right. However, I've been unwell for 1.5 years. I have started...
I’m not tolerating the antibiotics... Stomach issues. Doc wants to do IV?! Daily. Seems crazy. Says I’m too chronic for herbs. Who has healed with herbs? I’m not definitive for Bartonella but being...
I'm so sorry for your suffering, TxBart. I'm also thrilled to hear you are getting better with treatment. What are you using? Herbal treatments? Other? Thanks kindly for the feedback and advice. I...
Hi, I sooo need support right now (what's best way to post to whole group)? I haven't yet started the Rifampin. Doc switched me to Minocycline from Xithro today due to stomach issues. I have one doc...
Thank you so much for the prompt response, Girlie! Excuse the typos. I am a bit bleary eyed. The 31 was + on the igM and I on the igG. So, in your opinion, I have it? 150 mg 2x daily for rifampin to...
Hi, I've just joined the group. Thank you for this forum... After 1.5 years of suffering with primarily psychiatric symptoms (totally out of my character), emptying my savings to see what seems like...