Ok, thanks. Yes, that is the same thing that mine says (don't have it in front of me, so couldn't remember exactly!). So your ELISA was negative, but you continued investigating because of symptoms?...
Thanks, RedLabel, I received your email. :) The IgM+/IgG- results were from blood tests from my MD in Norway, included as part of a larger blood test panel. He has never referred to them specifically...
Girlie - have sent you an email, thanks! RedLabel - Yes, I am living in Norway, and have struggled to get help here. I am headed to Houston for the holidays, so was hoping to visit an LLMD when I am...
Hi all - I stumbled across this article by Carl Brenner when looking for some other information, and there was an interesting passage about false positives on ELISA tests:...
Hi all - I am looking for an LLMD in the Houston area. Can anyone help? K P.S. I have activated my email on the forum, but you'll see the address is a little weird. This is just a spam filter email...
Hi Pirouette - Thank you so much for all the info. I have reached out to the various organizations that you have linked to request information about doctors. Will also post a thread here asking. Yes,...
Hi all - This is my first post here on Healing Well, though I have been lurking for quite some time now... :smilewinkgrin: Members here all seem so helpful, and I am hoping you guys can help me....