Tried Cannibus CBD/THC combos for burning skin with no success. Anyone having success?...
Need recommendations for CBD oil for anxiety...
An antihistamine that causes drowsiness might work since that would be a blocker for mast cell....
Bob Miller from Tree of life is a Genetics(Methylatiion/Detox) doctor. He works off of your labs and 23 and me test...
I purchased a portable infared sauna that zips uo and you sit in. Today, I had it on 140 and didn't even have a good sweat after 20 minutes. They say to go slow. Is this only for the expensive wood...
Hi Just ordered Houttanyia drops from Nutramix. Best way to start. It says 1 drop a day. Any recommendation on pulsing it up without creating a huge herx. Also when best time to take it, with abx?...
Hi My lyme herbalist recommended Zeolite instead of activated charcoal which causes constipation and thus reabsorption of toxins stuck in your colon. Anyone have experience in taking this and what...
Sounds like Lyme. Be careful when you go to test for Lyme. The test are 40% accurate. I got false negatives for months before I learned of testing through IGenx Lab. tested positive. Make sure you...
There is also Tommy Priester in Concord, MA. He is a well known Lyme Herbalist who treats with the Buhner Protocol. I am actually going to see him next week....
Sorry, correct spelling is Hubbuch...
Jeanne Hubbard in Watertown MA and is a lyme literate doctor. She had me test for mold, the first time I met with her. She doesn't take insurance, but if you have a PPO, you can submit her bill....
Has anyone tried the Pekana detox kit - app-heat, renelix and tires for detox did it work?...
I'm doing Rifabutin and Doxy. Couldn't take the Rifampin because it metabolizes my anti-depressant drug. My anxiety and depression were through the roof. The psycho meds are helping me function and...
will that clog my drain! My husband gets so frustrated when I clog the drain!!!...
I did an infrared sauna to stage a mold test for 30 minutes and herxed that night. Too afraid to do the sauna again. The very first time a did one was 15-20 minutes and I didn't sleep that night!...
I am CBS mutation positive and can't do Epsom Salt Baths(Magnesium sulfate) due to suffer intolerance Does anyone know other options for bath that would pull toxins out through the skin. I already...
Eventually, my doctor has me starting 1 pill a day. Not sure when I start 2nd pill. Too afraid! Hate herxing at night - means no sleep!...
with doxy - I'm taking 150mg of the Rifabutin in the am to start. Will increase to 2 tablets in a week or so. Starting slow. The Rifabutin is a powerful drug as I have heard....
I am only taking 1 tablet a day. Take it in the am so I can herx during the day and get some sleep at night.The doctor wants me to go slow. The herx lasted all day until early evening, but I think...
I experienced more anxiety, burning skin sensation, neck ache. Same symptoms that I have had along but came on strong right after I took the med. No new symptoms -like rash, or shortness of breath....
Anyone here Herx from first dose of Rifabutin? Chiils, Anxiety, Burning skin sensation, brain fog, neck ache,...
has anyone been on Rifampin and also anti-depressants? How did you manage when the Rifampin lowers the SSRI's effect Did you up your dosage of anti -D...
Not sure what she will subscribe. Are you symptom free now? I'm afraid too ask. My LLMD says 6 months for Bart. I got tick in August....
I think she will switch me over Rifampin once my anxiety and depression improves with taking the Zith/Doxy for 2 months. What is Rifabutin? I've never heard of that or seen that in my research? It...
Will be taking Zithromax and Doxy. Wanted to start Rifampin - but could not. I am on antidepressants and the Rifampin metabolizing it. Not many choices. I can't to Levaquin - tendon issues before yrs...
The ingredient does not make sense to me. Asparagus is on the high sulfur veggie list....
has anyone used Sparga Sulfer detox drops. I have CBS gene and my sulfate levels were high on hair metals test. Need to open my detox pathway. Are these drops safe?...
Can anyone guide me on using Burbur Pinella for detox. Do you take everyday standard dose then increase when you Herx badly. Starting ABX med for Bartonella this week....