Wasn’t happy with the one I chose based on credentials so I’d prefer a personal recommendation. Looking for someone that’s actually friendly and will spend more than 3 minutes. Cost is not an issue....
That's unfortunate that a past president of ILADS was basing diagnosis and treatment on a test result. What about your symptoms? Did he say anything about that? And the other one..well all I can say...
My biggest concern about LLMD's is that the 2 I went to were both previous presidents of ILADS, and the one said I didn't have lyme because of my test results I mentioned in the original post, and...
Did you stop treatment at the 3 month mark? Or did the Dr. advise you to? You were undertreated...and I suggest you go to a LLMD to start treatment again. You can treat bartonella and cover lyme...
Interesting. It’s been about 6 or 7 years since I first started feeling mildly crappy. Just these past 2 years is when it’s gotten so bad that I can’t even function. I wonder if this is a common...
Hey all, I’ve been feeling super sick now for about 2 years, and just generally unwell for a few years before that. About a year ago I was tested for Lyme and co infections and my WB had 41, 58, and...
Got it, thank you :)...
Yes please, I’ll look into him. Thanks :)...
Thanks for the response, Girlie already sent me her list, just wanted to see if I could get a personal recommendation before playing the lottery again :P...
Hey all, I went to an LLMD which gave me a bunch of PCR tests that were negative, but a western blot that has band 41 for IgM and bands 41, 58, and 83/93 for IgG. She told me everything is negative...
Got it. Thanks again. I’ll make another thread tomorrow. I should get some sleep too :P...
Yes, the labs that don't specialize in tick-borne diseases often don't recognize what a positive test is. To find a LLMD - you should start a new thread so members can see the subject: "Looking for...
Yeah I’ve watched a bunch of Dr. Horowitz stuff. I would also have to agree with you on finding a new LLMD. It’s crazy cause the one I went to was the president of ILADS at one point, and also a...
It’s not from igenex, she used “Medical Diagnostic Laboratories”. I was really confused when she called me and told me everything came back negative especially with all my symptoms, and then even...
I’ve had lots of symptoms for about 7 months or so now and my LLMD told me all tests were negative. She sent me the results in the mail and my western blot has IgM 41 and IgG 41, 58, 83/93. I...