Looking for LLMD in Ireland????...
Thanks so much, u will do that... also what does non pharma mean?...
Any ideas what I should do next?...
I didn't get the bloods to test for co infections as I wanted to see if it was positive first. Would to recommend getting them done? As I have all symptoms of babesia....
1 borelia b. Full Antigen ! 4SI 0-1=negative 2-3=week positive >3=positive 1 borelia b. OSP- Mix ! 2SI 0-1= negative 2-3= week positive >3= positive Borrelia burgdorferi LFA-1 ! 2SI The result of the...
Thanks for responding girlie, much appreciated. I looked back in report and I did put the ranges of the ones that were elivated or low. U don't know if i put them in the right context. I left all...
What are the ranges?...
Can anyone on here help me understand my results from Arman labs. Borelia b. Full Antigen 4SI Borelia b. OSP- MIX 2SI Borelia burgdorferi LFA-1 2SI Hematocrit 45,10 % should be between 35,00 and...