WalkingByFaith - Thank you so much for that! I will look at the article immediately! I hate thinking something that I keep testing negative for is actually causing all this pain, meanwhile the thing...
Girlie - what he said was the Igenex test would look for "antigens" not "antibodies." He said that it's a more sensitive test. I'm new to this so I really don't understand the difference yet. They...
Thank you Girlie. I've been treating Bart for almost 2 months now with Doxycycline. At first 100mg 2x a day, now 200 mg 2x a day. And LLMD told me to add UPM 750 Monolaurin, Super B Complex, and...
Hi All, My LLMD wants me to do the Igenex Lyme test, and I wanted to ask you all if you think it is worth it? All of my ELISA tests have been negative and I had a Western Blot from Quest with not...
I tested positive for Bart, and the NP said that she thinks I also have Lyme. She put me on Doxy saying it would treat both. But I am going to speak to them when I go back for the WB results because...
Went to see my LLMD today for my western blot results. Turns out that although the doctor ordered the test, the office staff never filled it out on my lab paperwork, and so no western blot. They took...
Goshawk, yes I believe my doctor is an LLMD, as his office is recommended on the lymedisease.org website. I have only seen the nurse practitioner so far though, and she thinks my WB will come back...
Hi All, I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with Bart and at that time I had a red, bumpy rash all over my chest that my doctor said was from the Bartonella. It isn't streaked, just red and bumpy. But now...
Oh, actually, I forgot to mention the brain fog!! That is actually relatively new for me, but wow! I will literally be standing in front of an open cabinet wondering what it was I was looking for!...
Thanks so much, I will check with them about the Rifampin and I'll also look into herbs and Dr. Rawls. I appreciate everyone's input!...
Thank you so much Missouri and Girlie, I appreciate the info and explanations. Girlie - yes, I have pretty bad foot pain, but no rib pain. I've also read knee pain is common, and I haven't had that...
Good Morning, I'm so glad I found this forum, I've been reading for a few days now and found so much helpful information. About a month ago, I saw my Infectious Disease doctor for the first time....