Yes taking probiotics and drinking through a straw I ordered Pinella this morning. Didn't do the Burbur thought I would see how this one goes...
I am doing the dry brushing and baths daily also drinking tons of water with lemon.Any other you can recommend? I hope the Malarone is working and kicking the crap out of it!...
Thank you for the reply I am at my wits end trying to get this all figured out. My primary doctor did my tests and than I went to a lyme specialist and he read the results and gave me Maralone. But...
I was tested for lyme which is positive and Babesia also positive. Is there a separate test for babesia and bartonella? Or will it show up on the lyme test. I am asking as I am positive babesia but...
Sorry I did not know I was looking for a way to reach GoShawk to see who her doctor is as I am still looking for a llMD . And she sees someone in NY and that is where I live.How would I be able to ask...
GoShawk who is Dr. C ? Sorry - edited out his last name. We use initials only for the LLMD's privacy/protection....
No was never told about this or given anything but the two drugs. I looked up Pinella found it on amazon I will give it a try. Seeing I am on antibotics this is okay to use while on antibiotics?? I...
I am om Cefin and Malarone...
I am on my third week of treatment and it has gotten a lot less....
I get a burning feeling in my head it moves to different spots on and off.some days I have none and others it can be all day. Is this from lyme or babesia?...
Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it...
Do you know if the numbers have a range of how bad you have it?...
Girlie I went in Feb. as I thought I had the flu and wasn't getting better .So many visits and lots of bloodwork. Finally got my answer in April so seeing I felt sick in Feb. and was very healthy...
Girlie I am so sorry you are dealing with this for so long. I only am going by what my LLMD told me he said I will get better. I got sick in Feb. and after many back and forths to my primary doctor...
I cannot believe what I have read I am now very scared I am new and have lyme/babesia and just started treatment and after reading Artermix's post I am beyond scared. I had hope as I have a few...
I am still trying to understand what these numbers mean I saw a specialist last monday and he went over it but still confused. He put me on Malarone to add to the Cefin that my doctor had given me...
He is thinking 2 months not sure if it is because it was caught early . I am not going to get excited about it till everything comes back negative. He also told me to get the highest probotics so I...
Went and saw the doctor today and he went over my bloodwork I do have lyme and also Babasia .My primary doctor has me on Cifin and the LLMD added malarone . He said my lyme was caught in time and I...
I am going tomorrow and my fee is $850 and than $350 a month and they don't take insurance...
I am seeing Dr. Daniel Cameron tomorrow he is in Mt . Kisco NY I have my questions and all my records and bloodwork copies that my doctor did. Anything else I should have...
I am so confused that test was the first test done of three I had. I am now looking at the latest from 4/16 IgGP18 Ab. absent IgGP23 IgGP30 IgGP39 IgGP41 IgGP45 IgGP58 IgGP66 IgGP93 IgMP23 IgMP39...
It says (IB) ,IgG 5 bands (IB) IgM 2 bands...
My doctor told me I tested positive for lyme. My husband went and picked up my bloodwork from the doctors as I am seeing a specialist on MondayAnd this is what the paperwork says...
lyme IgG and IgM Immunoblot 18KDa - 23 KDa - 23KDa(IgM) - 28 KDa - 30 KDa - 39 KDa - 39 KDa(IgM) - 41 KDa + 41 KDa (IgM) + 45 KDa- 58 KDa- 66 KDa - 93 KDa- Interpretation.Lyme Negative < 5 bands...
Girlie -I need to find a LLD in my area we are looking for one . Last night was awful hot and cold shakes and pains in my joints. I guess I am hexying it is awful. This is all new to me and I am...
Thank you for the reply hubby came home and saw the mess I was in. So we started researching and we are thinking I am Herxing . I just did a Epsom salt jacuzzi bath. I am hoping I am now going to...
I went to the doctors in Feb. took bloodwork came back mono after two weeks went back for recheck and was told I had lyme so they gave me doxy I started taking it but it but it made my heart race. So...
Thank you I went and changed it hope it worked...
I was diaagnosed two months ago with mono still felt awful went back had more blood taken and found out I have lyme also. I am looking for a LLMD in Rockland county Ny. Right now I am on a antibiotic...