That’s interesting but nothing like what im experiencing.. it seems almost like a dementia symtpom that im experiencing. I don’t think anyone else with lyme had trouble with mental arithmetic...
That’s a cool way of thinking about it haha.. so you have the same issue huh, thinking a words speling is something else and the word just doesnt look like a real word?...
Does anyone ever look at a word and it seems like its not really a word. For example: I was looking at the word "cognitive" and it didnt seem like a real word to me. Like it looked like it was...
Ever since the beginning of my symptoms i have a hard time doing mental math its like i cant hold 2 numbers long enough to compute an answer. For example 55+36 as soon as im done adding the last...
hi! Just did...
Are there any LLMDS in the sacramento area that are fairly inexpensive compare to other llmds?...
that’s interesting what i seem to be experiencing is a progressive but bery slow decline. I notice huge changes after every couple of months. I noticed the first changes right away over night its...
Would you say your cognitive decline progressively got worse? Or did it just come over night and stay the same?...
It seems you are an old member judging from your number of posts.I wonder why you still have these kind of symptoms? I am also at early 20s with severly damaged cognitive fuction. Although i am much...
Hey elvin i just started taking andrographis and am seeing positive results i believe, what protocol would you recommend? I just ordered pinella and am hoping it works as well...
I’m going to try looking for one as soon as i get a positive test result from igenex! Thanks for the advice! You may not get a positive result...but there could still be indications that you have...
Hi yes i have other symptoms a lot of symptoms actually i’ve listed them in a previous post! If you're in an endemic Lyme area or in the woods frequently in your state, suspect you've gotten bitten...
. Kind of i dont believe im experiencing derealization though, i dont feel like im in a dreamworld at all...
Does anyone else have trouble visualizing? For example doing mental math is an issue for me because its so hard to keep 2 numbers in my head long enough to add them. Such as 43+50. Another thing is...
I’m going to try looking for one as soon as i get a positive test result from igenex! Thanks for the advice!...
I’ve been looking up protocols most likely going to try buhners thank you so much for all the advice!...
Hi thanks for the advice! I’ll give lemon juice with water a try!...
. Hi thanks for the advice! I read up on babesia and it destroys red blood cells correct? Ive had blood pannels done and they should a normal red blood cell count. I’ve been using asheagandha lately...
I also have word finding issues, and just a overall slowed thought process and i often say the wrong word from what i mean to say....
Hello everyone, i've had these symptoms for over 4 years now and have been told it's just anxiety and depression, this seems like a common theme when doctors can't reach a diagnosis. Anyways, i have...