I read through this but couldn't find an answer - does tinidazole work for babesia? Ive been prescribed it as part of a CPn protocol, but just one days dose elevated my liver enzymes. Not massively,...
I have seb derm, yes. Itchy flaky scalp and red spots over my face, when its bad. I thought it was a bacterial infection, since it seemed to get better when i took antibiotics initially. But that...
Cool. Ill run it all by my doctor / doctors anyway of course, but just getting a feel for what ill need, since I'm still trying to find a LLMD here. Thanks!...
Hi Girlie, thanks for responding - yes tinidazole is pulsed - i was told i can either take it one day a week, or 2 days every 2 weeks And just to clarify if anyone feels like chipping in -...
Thanks for the response goshawk :) I think I read 400 mg somewhere, but was told since im small for a man, i could take lower dose, for the CPn. Maybe Lyme needs more. And ill also prob need to add...
Just a quick question - i am on only 200mg of Doxy, prescribed with 300mg Roxythromycin, and tinidazole to pulse, for chronic chlamydia pneumoniae infection. I was told, for CPn, since im only 62-63...
Even though, from my understanding, Lyme and mold problems are commonly found together, 95% improvement from cholestyramine sounds like some sort of toxins are the major factor. How long did it take...
Just re: the baking soda - isnt that kind of the opposite to taking in lemon water, which I thought was a good idea for lyme sufferers? Ive been doing lemon water along with green tea and seem to...
I agree about burning moldy houses! My main exposure was years ago. However I still have the toxins inside me no doubt, maybe even some mold colonising sinuses, since ive had eustach tube disfunction...
Thank you so much Oregonhay your tips are great. I have already implemented a few (filter etc) but the others were all new and super helpful Mind body spirit - thank you for the support! I am...
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ( TLDR - Australian, 31 male, have CPn, likely co infections, definite mold exposure, prob other toxins. Symptoms are severe, and look like im developing...