Hi Girlie, I have sent you an email. I sent it yesterday. Maybe it went to your spam folder? Let me know if you don't see it. I'll resend it....
I was looking for any recommendations for good doctors around DC area or nearby?...
I just sent you an email!...
One of the problems with linking medications with twitching is that the correlation is not all that precise. So I have seen that I start taking antibiotics and the twitching comes back, it happens...
Hi Girlie, I'm currently seeing a Dr. J near DC. Do you know of any good LLMDs near DC/NYC area?...
Actually the test results that I just posted were from last year when I first got the test done. Because the last time, I had not posted any band data in the test and I wanted to hear more about the...
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if someone more knowledgeable than me can look at my IgeneX test results for Lyme and help me better understand them: Lyme IgM: Negative IgX Criteria: Negative...
I was taking antibiotics for Lyme for about 2-3 months (Doxycycline and Rifampin and Azithromycin) and during that time I've observed that the twitching used to happen without fail every day. Since...
I've been experiencing some weird joint pain in my fingers, not sure if this is Lyme related or not. It just started suddenly a few weeks back....
I've been having more and more sore throat because of acid reflux for last many months. Wondering if anyone else saw this. Because of this, if I eat something oily, I get coughing after food....
I don't have any other sinus symptoms though. Certainly, doesn't feel like I have any infection ongoing in my sinus. What should one look for?...
So most likely not a lyme issue just allergies flaring up?...
Anybody experience phantom smells like burning smell when there is no burning smell to anyone else? I think this is called phantosmia....
Positive Bart in PCR urine and blood? That's interesting. I had myself PCR tested both blood and plasma from Aperiomics which checks for everything and no bart, lyme or anything else was found. I...
Would anyone like to share the list of lab tests that they've gotten done in the process of their diagnosis? I'll start: I got the IgeneX Tick Born Disease-1Panel done in addition to IgeneX Lyme spot...
Have not? Would I be able to take it with Doxy, Rif and Herbal treatment?...
Can't say for sure but it comes and goes. Sometimes I'll feel everything's normal and then sometimes I get: 1. Burning in the scrotum area 2. Slight burning after peeing/ejaculating When I did abx...
I should clarify. I was talking about my urinary related symptoms like burning after ejaculation and slight burning while urinating. Normally, these are caused by some infectious bacterial presence...
Yes but those are exceedingly unlikely. I forgot to mention that along with Urine I got my blood tested as well and no Borrelia or anything pathogenic was found in it. The report that you get back...
I sometimes wonder why we need to play guessing game with rashes like these. Why can't we walk into a clinic, get a biopsy done and know for sure what it is that's causing the infection? It might be...
Hey everyone, I've tested positive for Lyme with Igenex and was having this trouble of burning after ejaculation and general burning in the bladder. Suspected that these might be because of Lyme...
Most of these rashes always appear like that: in a "linear" fashion. The dots appear in a line or a straight curve kind of formation. When searching online for Lyme rashes, I only see the bull's eye...
What about a single band (Inderterminate) intensity on 41* IgM? Is that Lyme specific as well?...
I keep getting rashes like these, while I think I have Lyme, I'm not sure if Lyme causes rashes like these or if others have had rashes like these? https://imgur.com/a/DXyxF9s...
So since I had last posted, which was about 4 months back, I was taking antibiotics. I kept taking them for about 2 months. I was also taking probiotics so as to not get diarrhea from all the...
I've already cut out all kinds of pastries etc. from my diet, so no daily sugar intake. What more do you propose for diet specifically? Also, what do you think led to that 7-10 days period of almost...
So it's been 4 months since I last posted here. In last 4 months, my symptoms improved gradually. At one point, for a couple of days or maybe around 1 week, I had no burning skin or twitches or...
I'll try to post updates on this thread about my developments....
I wonder if there is a way to measure the amount of burning skin. Clearly, thermometer is not of much use because when I use it to measure my body temperature, it always gives less than 98.6....
I wonder how one finds out that they have a warm skin on face? When I touch my face with my hands, I feel the warm/heat but I'm not sure if that is because my hands are warm or is that my face skin....
Well that a GI issues are my only main symptoms. But I also have a parasites and metal toxins - but mine is only in the face area normally. It's weird.[/quote] How long does your body feel cool...
While cutting out my sugar is painful (no more daily brownie) I can do it. But cutting out bread and all carbs is probably not even possible. I'm not sure how bad this is in terms of treatment. How...
Hi opugirl, Glad to hear from someone who understands Lyme! I was really worried about this. When I visited the Lyme doctor for the first time, about 2 months back, he started me on Doxy (100mg) and...
Hi all, I just found out about this Lyme forum community. I was diagnosed with a very weak IgM for Lyme by Igenex test. I started having Lyme symptoms for last 3-4 months now which prompted me to...