Hi Medicalnerd and Blakleysmum, DD still herxing but managing. Have stopped herbs except support herbs for past 2 nights. Detoxing with charcoal and the epsom salt foot baths - thanks Medicalnerd....
Hi Blakeleysmum and Garzie Thanks for your replies and support. There is just so much yo manage in this sea of lyme and co infections. Ye, are so right. It can be easily done. That was awful on you...
Hi Girlie, Thanks for your reply. I feel like such an idiot. I don't know how I managed to make such a mistake. I will do what you gave said. Than so much....
I can't believe I accidently gave DD 10 mls of sida acuta with crypto instead ofc10ml hormonal from herbalist. I immediately gave her charcoal half a teaspoon in water. Will that get rid of it from...
Hello everyone, My daughter is 15 years old and has lyme and co infections and was diagnosed with POTS as failed tilt table test. She was on midodrine, and now Florinef to try and ease her constant...
I am waiting to see a lyme doctor in April for my 15 year old daughter who has babesia, bartonella, ricketsica akari and some other infections. Her worst sympton is severe lightheadedness. I went to...
Hi Girlie, Thanks for finding that link and your help and advice you gave me there and Jovalyme too. Thanks, I really appreciate it! Hi Saraeli, Thanks for your advice and for helping me to put my...
Hi Everyone , I would like your help/advice please. I added my post over a week ago onto an existing post - Bloods taken, what now I think was the name of that post. Anway, thanks so much for the...
Hi Girlie and Jovalyme, Thank you so much for your replies. We are in Ireland. There is only one specialist Doctor in Dublin who treats lyme disease. I have sent the results on to him. He will look...
Hello Everyone, I am new to these boards and would like your advice. My daughter has been tested for lymes disease with Arminlabs in Germany. I just got back the results today. I am waiting for my GP...