yes I had kidney stones and no one could figure out why. The theory is, when I first got sick I was on a cruise with my father and stepmom. My stepmom was abusive and since I was to sick to move she...
Thank you all, I’m still a kid so my mom mostly manages my medication. However after I posted that the other day I ended up going to the ER. I was having (what I call) brain symptoms my head was...
Hi, so I was on here a few weeks ago looking for people to talk to. From then I’ve gotten 10x worse. I’m so sick and honestly so scared. The pain is more than I can take. Every medication I try I...
I take epsionsalt baths every day with essential oils such as frankincense and lavender. My doctor (ND) gave me a medicine to help I forget the name but it also treat malaria and arthritis, but I had...
Hi, does anyone know any pain medication that would help with bartonella symptoms such as lymph node pain that could help me get through the night. My doctor (western med) gave me oxycodone but I...
Thank you so much, right now I'm taking some herbal remedies. How ever they make me very sick since I tend to have sever reactions to them that put me in the ER. Also I'm still in high school so that...
Hi guys, my main question is how do I mentally deal with the loneliness and pain. I mostly just wish this wasn't happening and my life would go back to normal. I've been suffering for 2 years and am...
Hi, I'm on here looking for other people like me. I suffer from 2 Chronic cases of Lyme, and now have just been diagnosed with Bartonella which is a serious coinfection. I'm bedridden to all of this...