Thanks for all the replies. My kidney labs creatinine and bun are always at the upper limit and at times been over. Last fall when I took the 5 days of welchol they ended up pretty high 1.6 and 30 I...
I took 1 (625mg) pill a day last spring for about a week. Then had horrible lower back/kidney area pain. A few months later I tried 1 pill again and the next day similar pain. This pass week I tried...
I started at 125mg for a week then 250 for week 2. Up to 375mg for about 10 days. And now I'm at 500mg been about 2 weeks. No real changes so far maybe a little more tired but I think that may be due...
@DCD2103 Mind sharing what your actual diet consist of? I'm thinking of trying it. Or I may just do a detox chicken soup diet. Do you use any anything like ginger, garlic or other spices?...
Thanks for the info Garzi, I had herxes a few years ago with some of Dr Js protocols and even small ones with a few herbs I think it was CSA. But my last 2 protocols Bicillin shots for 2 months and...
Well no change good or bad from 1 month of disulfiram, started at 125mg a day and now at 375. About to start 500mg, how do most take it? I was just taking it once an hour or so after breakfast. I...
Early 40s and I had both modernas, didn't notice anything other than a sore spot from the needle site, but nothing compared to lyme and co....
Thanks rainycloud...
I've read through but still unsure of a few things. Has anyone had reactions to hand creams or hand wipes? Like aquaphor? Or any recommendations on new hand wipes without alcohol? Is...
I kept taking abx during my shots but they were moderna, I was on mepron/azithro/doxy. When I researched it the articles I found said it was fine to keep taking whatever abx you were on. I didn't...
In the northeast corner of CT, Ashford there is a Dr B that I heard good things about. I've never been there myself though....
Had my first shot Monday but didn't realize my dr wanted me to stop some of my other meds, azithro/mepron/doxy. Think that will mess up the stealth effect of the bicillin? Does low dose neltraxon...
I'm not sure about serrapeptase, but I read that taking antibiotics was fine. Had my first dose on Friday (moderna) , no issues. Unfortunately no miracle relief from lyme/Co symptoms though....
Justinejustine, any improvement since having the Vax? Did your your pots get worse after the Vax or did just old symptoms come back? I have similar heart/lung issues and with the delta coming out and...
Dcd or anyone else do you continue taking supplements/abx/vit/binders while doing the fast? Would this be enough for sodium,potassium and magnesium intake during the fast?...
Thanks tickbite666, I'm going to see her in the middle of July....
Does anyone know if the lyme center uses IV abx?...
For anyone that uses these mats, what mat are you using or would recommend?...
I've been on MB and azithromycin for about 3 months, but only 25mg twice a day. Just switched to 50mg twice a day MB and added clotrimazole 20mg twice a day. So far still no change or herx. Plus...
I've used Zane Hellas Oil of Oregano, It has 86% carvacrol which I heard was the important part. I put 4 drops in almost a teaspoon of olive oil then drink it. Still had a slight burn feeling. I...
Is monolaurin something you can get over the counter or need a script? If otc what brand looks to be good?...
I just got done taking it for about 4 months. I would wake up early 6am and take my abx then supplements a little later. Then about 10am take my first dose. Noonish probiotics, then magnesium an hour...
I'm not really sure what to think of it, I always assumed I had Bart or babs or both. I only ever had erlichea positive from igenex before. Sorry not sure what kaiser test is. Does seem strange that...
I don't know much about them but galaxy labs just gave me a positive test for 2 forms of Bart. First time in almost 4 years and maybe 10-15 test from other companies that were all negative...
If mold isn't my issue then I'm leaning towards this, Is there a certain abx that is specific for it?...
Thanks bluelyme, any certain brand of silver? I did recently get some ooo shipped in so I'm reading up on different ways to take it. And I have been doing epsom salt/ peroxide baths but I'll get some...
For anyone with multiple chemical sensitivity do you have pain in your chest all the time? My biggest issue is a inflammed, tightened, irritated feeling in my lungs or chest area it's always there....
I just started the 3 bottles a week ago. I got some lower back pain in the kidney area I think from my new meds or exposure to something. I think it helped clear me out because I was almost ready to...
Anyone get any relief with the MB? I'm about to start some with azithromcyin but only 25mg twice a day seems pretty low compared to what else I've seen mentioned....
I'm not sure why but I guess the great plains tested for different molds, the ones that were high on vibrant were not tested on great plains. I never did have an ermi tested but I tried to have the...
My best guess is the chlorophyllin has helped some with my knot in my chest. I started taking 3 pills a day and noticed a decrease within a week or so. Of course it could have been from the pulsing...
I do, M,W,F 2weeks on then 2 weeks off. Soon to be 2 weeks on and 3 weeks off...
Well not Dr J but one of the staff, ya back into the old protocol for 3 or 4 more rounds...
Just finished 2 weeks of 200mg doxy twice a day, i could either pick up with my amox, mini, rifabutin pulse protocol or maybe try a walk in clinic or pcp for another 2 weeks prescription anyone have...
I may be wrong but i thought anti inflamatories are ok if there non steroidal? What was found for the Pericarditis diagnosis?...
In the northeast Umass does tick testing, they now require you to mail it in due to covid. I think its 50 for the basic and up to 200 for all the test. There may be local universities next to you....
Ya still at the J clinic, just had a phone consult 2 weeks ago. I'll give them a call on Monday and see what they say....
I've been sick for a few years and was starting to inch my way to a little overall better feeling. Maybe the dapsone/daraprim protocol did some good. But found a tick on me last night after being...
Thanks Saraeli, lucky I've given up most of that stuff except for the nut butters I'll stop those Anyone know about binders? I take citrus pectin and recently started chlorophyll. Should I keep...
After about 2 months of being sick I went on 10mg of prednisone and got a little worse, then I kept upping the dose to 60-80mg and really thought I was dying. After getting off the high dose and back...
About 3 years ago my sitting HR was around 70-80 then after just standing it would go up to 110-120 range. Now it's sitting 55 and goes up to 75 after standing. I still got a long way to go but it...
Was it vibrant-america labs that did your test? Or if not anyone else use them? I should be getting tested next week and the NP uses that company not sure if I should get it done through great plains...
Thanks Girlie, I'll ask Dr Js office about them...
Flucanazole started giving me an instant reaction just a real bad sick feeling so i was switched to voricanazole. I did not start it yet but i see its not recommended with rifabutin. Has anyone...
Im guessing I had or still have babs and bart and probably lyme I was positive for 1 band I think 41 the one that is the tail of the spirochete. My chest felt like a tight belt wrapped around it but...
Erhlicea is the only positive i got ever and that was from that cali lab cant rember the name, my 2 main symptoms are chest tightness and high heart rate with very little exertion also a dull ache...
How do you take the powder form? Do you just mix in any amount of water?...
I could never get a satisfying breath, chest tightness sort of felt like a belt tightening around my chest. All the time, the first time i got any relief was using tindamax, then after 4_5 months of...
It's time for my monthly lab visit but I'm thinking about skipping it this month due to the C19. For the last few years my level always in the normal range 21-72 usually high 20s and all the way up...
I believe they want 2 negative tests done a couple of days apart, then they let you leave quarantine...