Hi Walkingbyfaith, My only positive band on the Western Blot was 41. Interestingly, my regular PCP felt that the positive ELISA with one positive band was probably Lyme; so, she started me on 30 days...
Hi Running wild, I definitely had symptoms that started with a fever (but that could have been the Lyme). The fever, however, would come and go. I also was very nauseated in the beginning....
Hi All - I've read several threads about people using the DNA Connexion lab for Lyme testing. After testing positive on the ELISA test, but negative on the Western Blot I consulted with a LLMD. He...
Thank you, Girlie! This has been a frustrating last several months. I am guessing that my infection was not caught within a few months. With that said, are later stages still treatable. The joint...
Hi All - I have recently received a probable Lyme diagnosis from my PCP. I live in an area with a high rate of Lyme - in fact, my sister, mother, and cousin have all tested positive for Lyme....