Anyone had Botox since having Lyme? Any experiences would be appreciated....
Can I ask why you stopped? Thank you...
I also take zhang after the switch from antibiotics and buhner herbs. I also take some buhner herbs as well along with zhang. They are very good and strong! I initially herxed quite a bit in the...
Hi there, Yes I am currently on his full protocol now. My llmd switched me to his when I ended antibiotics along with buhner herbs. I continued some of buhners herbs, along with zhang. I got a pretty...
Thank you for that. I have tried bentonite clay but I think I’ll give the charcoal a try too. Thank you I hope that you feel better as well....
No they didn’t. I still have one amalgam filling, but I don’t have any plans on the removal of that....
I was had an amalgam filling removed days before my Lyme and co infection. I was unaware of the dangers of the removal and was not notified by the dentist. I feel that this has been part factor in...
Thanks for your reply. Possibly I hadn’t thought about that. Another thing I have not mentioned is that days before my Lyme infection, I had a mercury filling removed, and I had no idea how dangerous...
Hello all, I have been treating Lyme for months now, that was diagnosed and I suspect Bartonella and babesia (not tested). I started with antibiotics and most of the Buhner Protocol, and then ended...
No I tested positive with infections disease doctor they my insurance (lucky I guess). Yes she is, but she did not test me, because I showed markers already. Then they treat as of you also ha e co...
Ya probably just the inflammation. Thank you :)...
Thank you girlie!! Yes I habe been leading about detox and giving it all a try!...
Hello elleon, I am also in so cal and recently have been exposed. I am working with Dr Lehman in LA. Her consult was 175, and she immediately wrote me a script of antibiotics. Three different ones...
Thank you for your reply and feedback walkingbyfaith, much appreciated. That gives me so relief knowing you had similar symptoms. Did your specific symptoms exacerbate when herxing or would that be a...
Hello all. I am new to Lyme, and three months back became very ill after camping within two weeks, starting with neck pain. It progressed to headaches, fatigue, fever (mostly neck), etc., progressed...