is there a specific blood test or urine test to check for mold in the body that can give an actual degree to what is causing the most issues... whether it be PTLDS, CFS or mold exposure. so lost at...
understood however are there other tests such as this we should order for blood work?...
mycoplasma pneumoniae came back well over 400 Igg but stranger still is Pertussis Whooping Cough is highly positive how on earth this happened when there has been no contact with family and friends...
LLDR has asked if we would consider waiting for Novavax as that is the only vax that he feels chronic lyme patients will respond to positively...
what is the best and most effective mold tester? is possible that we have excess moisture in walls curious if this is exacerbating our lyme and M-pneumoniae symptoms have used vitaloxide to treat...
igg was into the 400 range for M-Pneumoniae. it's this dangerously high?...
Found that mold remediation was so expensive, that in many ways it was cheaper to DIY. You have to make sure that the source of the mold is completely resolved and you use excellent PPE you need a...