Please tell me if you had back pain during your Lyme and Bartonella treatment and if it got worse before it got better. What was your experience?...
When I was taking oral antibiotics I def took with food...
I took oral rifabutin for one week which sent my gut into shutdown. I now take Iv rifampin. I hope others chime in too. Seems hardly any one is replying to my posts 😪...
I had back pain before Lyme diagnosis and now it’s insanely painful. Doctor says it’s localized inflammation and die off. It’s awful. So I was on oral mino and cefixime for Lyme for 6 weeks doing...
I haven’t been tested for c-diff. I don’t have diarrhea or digestion issues and no doctor has brought it up. I had an ultrasound and ct scan and also showed nothing. Yes I’ve had back pain constant...
I switched to iv abx from oral because my gut couldn’t take anymore. It’s been 5 weeks on Iv and I’m still having abdominal pain. Does it take awhile to heal the gut or am I just screwed here?...
That’s what I thought but so many people on this fb forum have said they were in immense pain for months before feeling better. Going into this I thought I would be having flu aches for a few days...
Which ones are the best that kill?...
I am having unrelenting pain while in early weeks of treating. It’s brought on so much panic and has brought me to my knees. None of the natural stuff the doctor gave is helping and the gabapentin I...
What is the drug or is it a mystery now? I didn’t see it in the article....
I am on clotrimazole with rifampin and Azithromycin....
Help please…. I live in Portland and have Lyme, miyamatoi, and Bartonella and have been treating with an LLND for the past 3 months. It’s been a literal s#*t show and I’m worse off now than before....
I was diagnosed 3 and a half months ago with Lyme (both burgdorferi and miyamatoi) and Bartonella. I started treating after two weeks with oral antibiotics which eventually wreaked havoc on my gut....