Hi guys, I have overgrown klebsiella and pseudomonas. Do you have any idea what can help these? I dont want to take cipro....
Hi, did anyone get good results or cured themselves of lyme with FMT (fecal microbiome transfer)? I have many reasons to assume my microbiome got destroyed by antibiotics and other medications, and...
I wonder if it's possible that a parasite can cause low cd57?...
Hello, I still don't know if I have lyme disease or not . My lab results (arminlabs): Low cd57 (44), mycoplasma pneumoniae (Elispot SI 2), chlamydia pneumoniae, chlamydia trachomatis IGG/IGA positive...
Can SIBO cause low cd57 and raise ANA titers?...
I took alot of R ala and nac before the test....
Also do you think i can take antifungal and antibiotics at once?...
Where did you test for parasites? And which?...
Thanks, I tried to learn about mold with my foggy brain, I saw they suggest only using binders everywhere but no antifungal drugs. I also think the fungus is inside me since I'm not exposed anymore....
Yes, I'm going Ir sauna now, I also tested positive for ochratoxin A, idk how big that level is (12.21) range is below 7.5 Do you have experience with mold?...
Hi, i just got my great plains mycotox test, it says ochratoxin A is 12.21 (range is 7.5 max) Now I want to know, how significant is this? I also have low cd57, CO infections like mycoplasma...
I think i have lyme and Co infections (mycoplasma, chlamydia, rickettsia) My ammonia was tested 60 out of 60,my doc commented on it and it's high. He said zeolite + l ornithine will get rid of my...