Thanks Traveler and everyone else! Sorry for the delayed response but I thought I would receive an email if there were any responses and I've not been online for a couple of weeks. Here's an update...
Thanks for your help Traveler! I have experienced herxes before but they always just involved pain and fatigue (while on Antibiotics). Are you saying the need to urinate more often is a herx as well?...
Just an update.. First to be clear, I'm using Otoba Bark from Dr. Marty Ross' website. His site said it is a direct replacement for Nutramedix Banderol as it has the same ingredient. However, I may...
Hi Garzie; Thank You so much for your insights! It's been 5 days now since I took the Banderol and I have to say, although the strange reaction hung around in a mild form for a couple of days, the...
Thanks so much for the reply! The second day after the possible herx event I felt really pretty good. But the third day the symptoms began creeping back. Overall, my neck is better than before taking...
Hi Guys; I'm new to the forum and would really appreciate your insights on Banderol. I did a search and found a lot of info but feel I still need to ask this question. I apologize if its a repeat. I...