To whom it may concern: I have not been taking part in much of these discussions. These sneaky moves do not go well with keeping a dying forum together. --------------------------------------------...
This post/forum is acting weird. Margarita Lyme commented here, but its not showing when I log in. I read it though. To answer your question, Endos never automatically suggest NDT pig thyroid, you...
If you’re familiar with the title, then you know what I’m talking about. I’m getting a little bit dated here but let’s say up till about eight years ago, the C4a by National Jewish labs was somewhat...
Girlie, I had relatives that lived south of you in Seattle and Tacoma Washington. I remember visiting them in the 70s. It didn’t get very hot there. It certainly got hot there last summer though....
Interesting I’ve never seen what you’re describing. Sounds great! A friend has a small ductless mini split (Ac/heat like in a motel room) in their big livingroom addition which works pretty good...
My lower leg edema improved this last year in the summer and winter. My total protein count is still low because the globulin Protein is at the bottom of the range or sometimes under the range but...
That might be worth something to try for those who are using synthetic T4 and T3. As mentioned by another member armor, brand, pig, thyroid, or any brand desiccated pig thyroid through at matter, has...
Actually, the inner white foam in these that you can see through the internal outlet vents, which gets the mold spots on, when the cover is off, this piece is actually split into and can lift the top...
For those of you that have what is known as central air either in a house or an apartment condo whatever consider yourself lucky these usually work pretty good and are mold free. Swamp coolers, which...
I seen that earlier this morning and followed the mod who did that to the UC forum. The way I look at this is a power trip for the mod who did that. We have our own mods over here. So in my opinion,...
Girlie- theres a lock on it for the rest of us....
Since someone is obviously now reading this. It’d be interesting to see if my post, this one gets deleted as well....
I just noticed this tonight. I think it was still there a couple weeks ago because I read through them again. So the new administration read our grumbling comments about the sites poor performance...
I could’ve benefited from this versus taking fluconazole.( Diflucan)...
When my throat was tight in the past, it was from one of two things. The beginning of Hashimoto and occasional neck muscle tension....
This is a very difficult topic. I’m not really so sure what to say. My ramblings in not any particular order: Although many of us don’t want to admit , it I’m sure many of us have been in this...
When I first answered on this post of yours, I use the word also. Because what I was referring to was, I think you had another post almost nearly identical to this that nobody, But myself and a few...
And you hold the currently active post record. By far!!...
After sometime lurking, I officially joined 3-22-2014 after my symptoms really got bad. I’ve had related symptoms though off and on when I was a youngster starting in the mid 1970s. Many ticks in my...
Wow. At the suggested amount, this would be incredibly expensive! Good thing im finishing off an old bottle and didn’t waste my money buying more!! Im sure LDN will do 100% more for my immune system...
Just a heads up : Many people with these tick infections are going to have thyroid problems, sooner or later. Thyroid ranges were decided upon by testing the general public, young and old. There is...
In the winter time after sometime several weeks of clouds and then mostly darkness it feels mentally good to stand out in the sunshine, even if it’s cold. But I’m not so sure it physically does...
You have two different amounts of what your studies said were suggested doses. 2 to 10 mg Then 400 to 500 mg ?...
It just says .95%...
These are 500 mg gel tabs of cold pressed oil ; bottle says take two a day for a total of 1000 mg....
I’ve never hexed on it, But I also never took this back when I had lyme. So if I herx now, well, that would be a bad thing (But helpful to know)....
On that note, I’ve never felt better on higher vitamin D levels in the 60s, which is where functional doctors like it to be. It seems to me it actually create some light anxiety. I feel better...
CYP3A4 gene so many bad possibilities and is pretty much impossible to prove beyond assuming things (or outrageous amounts of lab work). Fine by a doctors opinion or fine by your opinion? That is a...
One other thought. The antibiotics were creating a herx, which gave you anxiety. Low levels of anxiety can be confused with energy. Did you have a light sense of anxiety while you were on...
Well, two weeks ago I got some more lab testing: 1)complete thyroid Panel; My T4 and T3 are both a little low in my opinion, but the doctor likes to treat with TSH level. I tried to kindly explain to...
Are used to use it for about six months in the past so I’m going to try it again. The amazing herbs brand comes in liquid and gel caps. I’ve used both. It is apparently tested and comes up at .95%...
True I guess, …..thanks...
I took that too. The Most well-known name Is Biaxin. My LLMD really didn’t believe in testing, since almost none of it works. He used the “shotgun technique” which is throwing the most wide variety...
I messaged them to see what’s in it, it’s just like prescription thyroid medicine. According to the FDA, this shouldn’t happen, but it’s there for sale.! “VitaliThy NDT Store Each capsule/tablet...
Oh yes, thank you, Rainey for looking these up ! those two are from Vietnam. There used to be a quite popular one from over there that you could get here. A little more difficult to figure out how...
These prices can very greatly depending on which pharmacy you use in conjunction with which online prescription discount coupon you use. As an example to 200 count of one grain /60 mg tablet of the...
Another new Desiccated Pig thyroid I just found out this morning. #3) Niva Thyroid, distributed, or made in Sacramento California. Comes in the same sizes that all the other pig thyroid medicines do....
I wonder if this actually does anything you could feel. Amazing herbs brand. You never see this mentioned here. On the bottle, it says it helps the immune system and inflammatory Response. (Took...
Girlie- it’s so common for thyroid patients to noticeably feel better higher up in the ranges. Yet Doctors ignore this. Maybe they are afraid of making people feel hyper. In 2008 and 2009 when the...
This last week once again either my post or comment gets posted when I hit submit, or the round circle of arrows goes around and nothing happens Internet wise everything else on my phone works this...
What happened? This place I’ve never been very popular but did have some traffic. 1) Is there some new latest and greatest thyroid forum that people went to? Or 2) Does this place not even show up on...
Well, I sometimes feel a little out of place here because my health problems are no longer the tick infections themselves, but the other immune and auto immune problems they possibly caused (along...
. Crossing my fingers, he Improves . Summers in the upper Midwest / North Central Can be pretty entertaining if you like the outdoors…… Provided your near a can of permethrin. I keep some in my...
Well, based on what I recently learned from myself, which is something that I knew long time ago, but then forgot (!!),…..Sleep, or lack of it has a link to gut microbe. Stopping antibiotics has to...
Dude, Thanks for looking for me. It is a shame how so many forums have just fallen apart. And health forums generally had people seriously, looking for answers in exchange of helping some others when...
Dude, I bet that formum was pretty good at one point in time. —————— To my surprise, Reddit has a Hashimoto sub forum with new traffic every hour. It’s forum based but laid out kind of funky. Its...
Not really. Its more like the awakening. Mostly what we’ve known all along. Nine articles. ——————- Even though PLDTS is mostly a BS label like fibromyalgia, lyme can cause some long-term semi...
One more thing to keep in mind, Hashimoto hypothyroid can do similar to your tendons and muscles. In my case, I have to keep both in check. many people here have thyroid problems and might not be...
Bump up...
If you know of one that gets continuous traffic, or if you have a friend that belongs to one, uses one, please let me know which one it is. Since Hashimoto thyroid and the meds affect me greatly more...