Hi Lizzy I agree with brynn, go see your Doctor and run past him/her all your symptom's, it could be that it's just a very bad migraine but it's far better to be sure, I suffer from migraines at...
Hi Jancie I think my migraine's are tied in with my hormones a little too ( although having F.M.S can be a facter as well) I always seem to get them the week leading up to my "PR" some migraines are...
Had my first migraine of the month yesterday, it kind of crept silently up on me , you know the sort of thing dull ache slight nausea, then pow!! hit me full force at tea time....head felt like it...
No Janet I'm afraid I wasnt bright enough for Uni, I had to go back to school a few years ago to get my 'O' level in English lol....as far as the bits of poetry that go on my post's they're the only...
Hi Brooke small world I live just down the road to you (Sunderland) lol.......
Oh thank goodness we are not alone ( me & my daughter), we have noticed that stormy weather tends to bring on headaches, I'm lucky in that mine dont always develope in to a full blown migraine but...
Migraines run in my family, my gran had them, my Mum and her 2 sisters get them ( mum suffers from broken glass vision and strange smell's ) I get them occasionally (last nasty one put me in hospital...
Hi Red I sneezed once and had that happen, it freaked me out too, my GP said it was nothing to worry about and would go it'self and it did lol..but telling a born worrier ( like me) not to worry is...