Wow, thank you for posting some info. I'll be heading to my doctor for more blood work and see what I can work out with him. Thank God he's a good doctor and will actually try to help me. Unlike all...
I've always had problems getting to sleep and sleeping through the night. Prescriptions just made me ill...not sleepy. So with a little research, I found 2 things that work for me....GABA (250 mg -...
I have Hypo, fibro and CFS. It all seemed to go hand in hand when I was diagnosed 17 yrs ago. My system can't handle prescriptions, so I take vitamins/minerals/herbs and go for chiro, acupuncture and...
I have the same thing. My doctor said it was nerve pain which I got from have cosmetic laser treatments. I go for acupuncture and hyperbaric oxygen treatments and so far it is working wonders. I also...