I just went back to the neurologist and I told him about how it might be a csf leak. He said that It's been two years since my epidural and it should of healed up by now. I've been poked 6 times...
Oh and I forgot to mention that everything that I have as far as head pressure, and etc. I also have it to when I lay down to go to sleep or even lay down whenever, it seems then it starts to...
that's very true. I'm going to be searching more on what you said Rooster. Thanks......
Hey the is Cyane again. Went to the Neuro today, and he said that I might be anemia, or I could have pressure migraines. He wants me to get a CBC with in two weeks. He put me on topamax for two weeks...
Well I go on Tuesday to get a CT of my head again, for the ENT. So I'll have to wait on the results. I am also going to see a new neurologist on Friday. I have a question? Do you think that the doc's...
Hi again, I looked that up and some of the symptoms are headaches. One thing I forgot to mention is that when feeling like this, I don't have a headache. I'm thinking that it could be stressed...
I have head pressure, but nothing wrong with sinuses. Some lady recommended me to see an ENT (ear nose and throat doc.) Hope that helps....
Hi, I am 21 years old. I have had this head pressure feeling since 12/26/07. The whole month of Jan. I've had it, and once a month for a few days until now. I've had an MRI done, but the doc was only...