thanks for the post..i\ve just started epival or something an anti seizure medicine..but i wonder how long you should be on those type of meds. is there anything else you can do as relaxation...
ldyjane thanks for the info...i just feel like no specialist will listen to me...they just shoo me out the door with medication that just gives me too many side affects. i will go to the website and...
i just read another post you wrote about michigan headache clinic...i actually live in canada...ontario on the border to michigan..i havent been to the michigan one yet...but i can honestly say you...
hello i have the same problem when i get mine..i usually get them 5 times a month and so far twice i've had it for 3 months straigt and had to go on short term disability..the pain is so...
hello my name is rebecca. about three years ago i developed migraines and had excrutiating pain for 3 months..i couldnt leave my house..i had the mri...scans...and a spinal tap. the outcome was that...