Hi, Batman, just wanted to say, i have edited my post's. hope this is easier for you to understand. I didn't realise till i used spell check how lazy my writing was, sorry for any inconvenience,...
OK thanks for that batman55, were would i find spell check? I am new to computers. I am almost certain it started before both to be honest. my memory is really bad though....
hi all am new here so plz bare with me. i have similar symptoms 2 a few of u thanks 4 all your time an help, rooster 4 yrs ago i was diagnosed as having 2 Tia's mini strokes in 2 wks as i had...
hi all am new here so plz bare with me. i have similar symptoms 2 a few ov u i have posted a thread, thanks 4 all ur time an help, rooster 4 yrs ago i was diagnosed as having 2 tia's mini strokes in...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif does any 1 have any idea what could be causing this pain?. it's not really a headache as such. it appears 2 be coming from the back of my neck occipital bone area plus...
hi not sure how 2 work forum yet. The pain is from the back ov my neck it travels up into my head causing terribale headache migraine? Head pain. Not sure exactly what it is 2 be honest just no Gtp...
hi all.could any1 plz help, its driving me crazyyyyy any ideas wot the cause could be; :cry: :confused: i get these head aches frequently. i believe. it may be called he occipital bone o sumthing...