Wow Jasmine that was a very mature and detailed response and I totally agree with what you said. Tom should stay as long as he can. Brilliant idea about the puppy. Its sounds like you've had a lot to...
Leaving her alone won't help her. Sometimes being there and saying nothing is all you can do for her. You however need to take care of you. Start your own counselling and see what happens. If you...
One more thing. The counselor told me to tell him they wouldn't be talking about his "problems" to just come so they could talk. Then they just talked about life, my sons interests, his thoughts on...
My son was just like this. He saw no reason for anything. He quit school and could not be coaxed to do anything. I was scared to threaten him in case he just walked out. It took everything I had in...
How did your surgery go?...
I had similar success recently with a tension headache that was so severe I had a huge knot in my neck. ONE application of Japanese Mint Oil and my headache subsided, a few days of working the knot...