Thanks for the response. At least I know I am not alone....
Thanks for the reply. Yes, when I open my eyes it disappears. Although, last night, I got up to got to the bathroom and when I opened my eyes, the room looked like the matrix except in black and...
I am under investigation for silent migraines, I have been told about aruas but do really have any light streaks in my eyes during the day. However, at night, when I am trying to sleep I get light...
Thank you for your feedback. This is all new to me. I'm 41 and under investigation for silent migraines...but now I get some pain....
I am still being investigated for migraines...mainly silent migraines. I don't have an MRi scheduled until September. However, I have been getting more pain than buring sensations. Now, when I get...
Dear God, Thank you for allowing me to read about "wickedcrazy." I thank you that your kindness is everlasting for those that fear you. I pray for wickedcrazy. I pray that you will reveil yourself as...
Thank you Jewishmother. I have a doctor's appointment next week. I had a trip to the ER this time my right eye felt like it was sagging but it wasn't and my right side face temple was numb and...
I am going emotionally crazy. My symptoms started 10 days ago with a trip to the ER. I was sitting at home watching t.v. and all of a sudden I had this burning sensation on the left side of my face...