I use a tens unit but I have chronic daily headache and Migraines. Due to these I always have a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders and so I place the pads on muscle area, and I use it for 15 min...
If you go to clinicaltrials.gov and type in Occipital Nerve into their search box you will find quite a few studies that have been completed or are recruiting at this time, if you find a Dr...
I'm not positive it's the Topamax that's causing it, I need to discuss things with my Dr. I'm on a lot of other meds and I also have a telangiectasias on the pontine and so one of those could be the...
Hey there Gator4life I'm new to this site, but my headaches sound a lot like yours. Take a look at my thread "Cronic Daily Headaches and Migraines". As far as Nuerologists go I would look for one...
I was on Topamax and I had gotten up to 100 mg and I was very happy with the headache releif. Then my family started telling me of times where I had been confused or stumbled over my words - more...
I forgot to mention this book is where I learned a lot about headaches, I highly reccamend it to anyone who is suffering from any type of headach or has a loved one who is, you can find it real cheap...
I'm new to the group. I have been having headaches since Oct of last year. I went to 2 Nuerologists that just wanted to drug me and not find out whats going on, I finally found a Nuerologist who is...